Thursday, January 26, 2023

When the Snowing Gets Tough, The Tough Use Tupperware

 This is how the South reacts to snow - wait til spring.

As I said before, I clear snow immediately to let solar power take over. The morning sun was melting the snow and ice when I came upon the mother of Alaska and Atlas scraping her ice-bound car with a Tupperware container. I used my gloved hands to help but promised a better tool a few houses away.

I kept Sassy indoors after I got inside and searched for my all-purpose snow implement - long, scraper included, plus a brush on the opposite end. I went back.

The black car was not yielding to the snow that partially melted and then froze overnight. The entire car was covered with ice on the metal/windows and ice on top the snow. The remainder began to melt in the sun as the ice flew off.

We finished fast and off she went, with wipers loosened from their icy grip. She told me about how deep the snow fall is in Sioux Falls, where they used to live. "Sioux Falls used to be a nice place." I laughed and said, "I will tell our friends there."

NW Arkansas hopes the sun will melt away every millimeter of ice and snow. My sidewalk was the only one shoveled yesterday and today on my side of the street! "Where are the kids?" I have asked many times. We used to shovel as kids back in Moline, our walks for free and the neighbors for extra change. Here I used to have elderly neighbors on each side, so our helper and I cleared the sidewalk and cars. We salted early and let the sun do a lot of the work. Our Laotian family taught me - "Shovel and salt early. Let the sun do most of the work."

All cats are a gift from Heaven. Just ask the owners!