Credit Is Due to Otten and Hale
Do people remember Otten stirring up a big fuss about the corrupt Greek New Testament texts being honored in Missouri? The repeated warning was "plastic text" and "Kloha," who was promoted from Missouri to the Bible Museum. John W. Montgomery added his insights.
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Will Matt the Fatt need a larger costume for his events in the USA? |
Guess what? The Otten/Hale regime has promoted the corrupt text of the Beck Bible all along. Grab a copy and look at the ending of Mark's Gospel. Cutting off the Resurrection of Christ at Mark 16:9ff means - no empty tomb, just what the apostates love.
By the way, taking away the original Markan ending, which is clearly superior to the plastic surgery of the moderns, has no credibility. Beck used, in his vague footnote, the lame excuse that "older and better texts" did not include Mark 16:9-20. Older and better? I detect a Tischendorf-Westcott-Hort fan.
What Otten was hollering about from the front page of Christian News, week after week, was the very thing he perpetrated - for filthy lucre - attacking the Apostolic Text (Traditional, Byzantine) as inferior.
The Beck Bible - "Beck. (1976). The Holy Bible (An American Translation, A AT). Holman. GJ - Quoting Beck on the ending of Mark. “The two oldest manuscripts [Vaticanus, Sinaiticus] lack Mark 16:9 - 20...but end at verse 8.” GJ - Vaticanus is not one of the oldest, since it is a translation from the Latin, as Erasmus noted. Sinaiticus is an outright phony, dated from the 1850s - not exactly the oldest either. Neither one has any merit.
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Doctrinal literacy and the efficacy of the Word are long gone from the LCMS. The ones who run on traditional values and work with ELCA are experts at jumping on one horse and then the other. Bravo! |