Saturday, February 18, 2023

From the Official Magazine of a Dying ELCA - A Magazine Called Living Lutheran. WELS/ELS/LCMS Are Just a Few Steps Behind ELCA.


The article is linked here.

"The transfiguration is one of my favorite magical Bible stories. It makes me think of some of the best Disney transformation moments. I can just see that bright shining face, that dazzling white robe and Jesus floating above the mountain with Ariel singing of that moment she got her legs. Or maybe it was more of a whirlwind and whoosh a la Cinderella, with a bibbidi-bobbidi-boo.

However it happened, whatever the specifics, it must have been spectacular. Let’s think about the scene. Jesus and the disciples have been traveling for quite some time. They don’t have a change of clothes with them, just what they are wearing, because they have been relying on the kindness of strangers for shelter and provisions, and there are no such things as showers or running water.

So Jesus probably stank. He had melanin-rich skin, darkened from the sun; well-worn clothes, their hems tattered; dark woolly curls; and a matted beard. That’s the image of Jesus I have...."


GJ -

Missouri and WELS have been fully involved with ELCA since it began in 1987, and before that with the ALC/LCA. But they are "spoiling the Egyptians," as David Valleskey likes to say.