Thursday, February 16, 2023

Touch Not the Lord's Anointed! - Disastrous Dogmatic Works -
Like Margarine, Instant Coffee, and Twinkies.
Did Jesus Preach Sermons or Teach in Categories?

"All mankind" means Universalism.

  1. F. Pieper mashed everything together.
  2. Karl Barth moved his mistress-assistant - Charlotte Kirschbaum - into his home.
  3. Paul Tillich slept with the wives of his students. 
  4. Braaten-Jenson's dogmatics echoed the emptiness of Tillich.
  5. MDivs are now proclaiming the dogma of Halle University, Fuller Seminary, Trinity Divinity.
 LCMS motto - Do not touch!
ELDONUTs - Donuts! Touch!

"Touch Not the Lord's Anointed!" Psalm 105:15

The slogan above has been used, especially by Pentecostal ministers, to tell everyone that they cannot be criticized, because they alone are the Lord's anointed.

I have noticed over the years that the fans of the dogmaticians have protected their intellectual leaders - even Walther - with cries of outrage if anyone dares to notice the slightest imperfection.

Otten blended Walther and Dr. Walter Maier, OJ and Justification by Faith. "I sell to both sides of the issue." The quotations below are from Otten's book selling to the Maier side.

F. Pieper managed to blend Halle's Objective (Faithless) Justification with the Bible's Justification by Faith. He also artfully mixed the efficacy of the Word in the Means of Grace into his enormous dogmatics. Pieper was the key in moving the Synodical Conference into OJ, because he was anointed by Walter to replace the kidnapper-thief boss at the St. Louis seminary.

The Otten generation of pastors liked to say that Missouri fell apart after Pieper died. That was true, but not precise. Donated by WELS, F. Pieper had the presidency of the synod and seminary to completely establish Objective (Faithless) Justification. That sounds just like Walther's need to dominate, which was expressed in CFW's maneuver to choose his seminary successor, F. Pieper.

Pieper's death in 1931 gave him added value as the former professor, former author, former seminary president, former synod president. None dare call his work dogmatic because it came straight from heaven or rather Walther and Stephan! Pieper's artful but dishonest blending of Luther and Walther gave the Midwestern sects the man-made Walther-Pieper ruling norm. The 1932 Brief Statement sounded pretty good, pretty Biblical. But BS 1932 included the hilariously bad section enforcing Objective (Faithless) Justification - by citing Biblical passages that have nothing to do with their Walther-blessed, Stephan-anointed, Pieper-promoting OJ.

Walther deliberately drove away the parts of the Synodical Conference which noticed his evil dogma, taught against it, and left. Walther was at war against faith and used election to model Calvin's peculiar double predestination dogma. As many have said, double predestination was in every edition of Calvin's Institutes.

The DNA is not difficult to trace. The Pietists and Calvinists ignored:  
The efficacy of the Word and 
The Means of Grace, while corrupting 
Justification by Faith.

Where do the leaders and professors of ELCA, WELS, LCMS, and ELS go? Fuller Seminary and Trinity Divinity, not to mention their own Calvinistic Pietistic Rationalistic faculties. In fact,
everyone but Luther is welcome.

Montgomery loves OJ but hates the way Missouri is accepting and selling fraudulent modern Bibles. The NIV has added OJ to its list of barbaric, stupid, and corrupt paraphrase - so WELS loves it as much as Fuller and Trinity combined.

Karl Barth and Charlotte Kirschbaum

Charlotte Kirchbaum worked for Karl Barth for almost nothing and moved into his house with him, his wife, and the Barth children. Karl and Charlotte were reds.

Karl stopped publishing soon after Charlotte died. Was it grief or plagiarism?

My wife and I met George Hunsinger and his first wife at Yale Divinity. 

People are past the Barth craze of the 1960s. Now his/her dogmatics can be purchased for almost nothing. The model of Barth's dogmatics - often denied - is modern Calvinism as a veneer for Marxism. The Calvinists were recently shocked that Charlotte was doing more than sharpening pencils for Karl. They were blubbering like Santa was really the Grinch.

Paul Tillich - The Courage To Copulate

Paul Tillich slept with the wives of his students, who thought that was cool. He was an early hippie.

I wrote off Tillich as the favorite of a professor, who was also the future dean at Waterloo Seminary. Tillich was the favorite of the head of my program, a liberal Calvinist, at Notre Dame. A future Harvard professor was earlier president of the Barth Society and also a big Tillich fan. Long before the scandals about Tillich, I was more than a little bored of him and his cutesy sayings.

Tillich's main contribution was creating a dogmatics publication that used Christian topics to serve his philosophical imagination. Tillich was a bridge for the leftist Lutherans and their Braaten-Jenson Christian Dogmatics.

As I have written before, the Braaten-Jenson two-volume dogmatics is little more than a ponderously rejection of Christian doctrine as their Here I Stand moment in publishing. The newly forming ELCA denied their status as a textbook but also bragged it was used in all their seminaries. The ELCA seminary count has plummeted ever since.