Tuesday, March 28, 2023

The Simple Truth Ignored by Apostate Lutherans

Someone created this Luther Activated graphic, which illustrates the obvious but forgotten efficacy of the Word taught throughout the Bible and older theological volumes. Efficacy in Greek transliterates - letter by letter - as energy. The Word of God always has the energy and power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 10 and Isaiah 55:8ff are the classic passages, too clear to miss, but they mean nothing to the Unstuck, the Church Growth, the Management by Objectives, and the Marketing mobs.

What believers must do is shunned and excoriated by the Lutheran leaders of today - convey Christ the Son of God and His teaching. 

Everyone promotes grace - at least they say they do. Amazing that they do not grasp the key doctrine - faith in Jesus Christ the Savior is access to God's grace.

KJV Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:
2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

The confessional, Biblical, orthodoxical Lutherans - pause to laugh or cry or both - reject this passage from their own Book of Concord -

"Moreover, the declaration, John 6:44, that no one can come to Christ except the Father draw him, is right and true. However, the Father will not do this without means, but has ordained for this purpose His Word and Sacraments as ordinary means and instruments; and it is the will neither of the Father nor of the Son that a man should not hear or should despise the preaching of His Word, and wait for the drawing of the Father without the Word and Sacraments. For the Father draws indeed by the power of His Holy Ghost, however, according to His usual order [the order decreed and instituted by Himself], by the hearing of His holy, divine Word, as with a net, by which the elect are plucked from the jaws of the devil. Every poor sinner should therefore repair thereto [to holy preaching], hear it attentively, and not doubt the drawing of the Father. For the Holy Ghost will be with His Word in His power, and work by it...."
Solid Declaration, Article XI., Election, #76‑77, Formula of Concord, Concordia Triglotta, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 1089. Tappert, p. 629. John 6:44. [Cites A. L. Graebner, Doctrinal Theology]