Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Read Church Mouse about the Coronation of King Charles and His Mum Queen Elizabeth


Church Mouse is posting blogs about the coronation of King Charles III (my hosta buddy) and reflecting on the coronation of Queen Elizabeth so long ago.

I have posted a number of times about his blogging work from England and its value for us. I have noticed that he has generously linked all kinds of Lutheran blogs, instead of giving independent thinkers the stink-eye and Left Foot of Fellowship

I laugh to myself when I think of the American synods and their sycophants complaining about losses when they are the primary culprits:

  1. No grasp of Justification by Faith but drooling praise for Objective (Faithless) Justification.
  2. Praise for every Bible except the King James - the highest quality translation and text - much like Luther's Bible. The Evil Four plus One - NIV, RSV, NRSV, ESV plus the Beck serve to pad the synodical accounts and litigation costs.
  3. Their solutions for higher education involve expensive buildings and hire-a-drunk faculty, very pricey in more ways than one.
  4. None of the synods today have a Loy, Reu, Krauth, Schmauk, Leupold, or Lenski to lead them. 
  5. Synod Presidents and Archbishops (ELDONA) are more concerned with their egos than their dogma-du-jour.
  6. The leaders bled themselves dry through their Church Blasphemy Movement: their slime on your dime. "R U Unstuk?" as a recent Mequon graduate asked.

 Church Mouse Garden - 100% organic.