Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The ELCA-WELS-LCMS-ELS-CLC Faceplants - Or - Diving Off the Garasene Cliff


"Fuller Seminary has all the answers! We need their statistics! Thrivent will help us pay with loot from our own members! Woo-Pig-Sooie!"

Readers will not be surprised to hear the pseudo-Lutheran sects admitting their colossal failures and complete lack of direction. I could toss out some statistics being released, but these are not honest leaders. Everything is far worse than they allow.

Yes, I mean all of them - the ELCA-WELS-LCMS-ELS-CLC sects. They gradually filled their executive and committee slots with veterans of Fuller Seminary, Trinity Divinity, and the Crystal Cathedral (RIP, now Roman Catholic and Schuller's dead). They reached such a total saturation point that the mildest protest against their pagan idols of growth was met with hatred and expulsion.

To revive WELS, the floundering leaders put together a national conference featuring Jim Huebner, certified Fuller Seminary veteran, a perfect Judas goat to lead the members to the slaughter house.

Is that harsh? Look at what the Fuller Seminary goats have done to shrink their denominations, pleading their studies were all examples of safe sects. Many took on quickie DMins (which sound like demons) so everyone would call them "Dr." 

One thing is needful for these Bad-Bible-Boosters -the Evil Four plus One - RSV, NIV, ESV, NRSV plus the Beck. They need to return to the best and clearest Bible - the Masoretic text Old Testament and the Apostolic Text New Testament - King James Version. But they need the money for their slush funds, litigation, lawsuits, and plush vacations (joint synod meetings) near Little St. James Island.

This may be the most ironic fact of all - the catastrophic failure of ELCA, which was built into its 1987 illegitimate birth, has become the template for the rest of pseudo-Lutheran sects. 
  1. At least we don't ordain them. Oh, we do?
  2. At least we are not shredding members and parishes. No? Really that bad?
  3. At least we have a five-year plan. Like China's?
  4. At least we have a new hymnal. From Fuller?
  5. At least we spent millions on buildings. Schwan was one great saint, a giant amongst us. He what? And now the building costs are eating us alive?