Sunday, April 30, 2023

We Were Talking about Names and Books


Installation of Andrew Preus, Trinity, New Haven, Missouri, 2021. Sam Nafzger is on the far left, back row. Walter Otten is almost on the far right, back row. Andrew is flanked by his brother and his father Rolf, front row. Herman Otten died in 2019, closely tied with the Robert Preus clan but not with the Jack Preus side.

We were discussing LCMS names when someone asked about a well known person who participated in the fake Luther's Large Catechism - $40 - from CPH. I had to look it up because the name was somewhere in my mental Rolodex. Sam Nafgzer! He was one of many doctrinal board chairs in various synods (WELS, ELS, CLC sic) who championed false doctrine.

Next discussion point - There is another KJV-hating book out there? Yes, I found it when searching for a pro-KJV book and landing a real hater -
One Book Only? Examining Exclusive Claims for the King James Bible
Roy Beacham and Kevin Bauder (D.Min. but Ph.D. candidate!), editors, 2001.

The classic, spewing hatred for the KJV -

James White, D.Min. 
The King James Only Controversy: Can You Trust Modern Translations?

About the Author

"James R. White is the author of several acclaimed books, including The God Who Justifies and The Forgotten Trinity. The director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization, he is an accomplished and respected debater and an elder of the Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church. James also blogs at the Alpha and Omega Ministries site He and his family live in Phoenix, Arizona."