Wednesday, May 24, 2023

ELDONUTS Short of Two Players - At Least - But Continues To List Them


Papal costumes, a mitre, and superfluous masks suggest comedy, especially when tummies look overfed.

Heiser was welcoming the Rolf Sect into fellowship with the ELDONUTs, when he told me in advance "We are getting rid of Rolf."

Heiser also welcomed Robert Larson into fellowship, another papal pratfall.

The Lutheran ELDONUT Herald went covert after I posted telling photos and information from its pages, three pastors having left the heaven-on-earth sect. But the Herald popped up again. Two more (1 pastor, 1 deacon) have left, according to the website of Good Shepherd in Rogers, Arkansas. Why are people allowed to imagine otherwise? Must I report the facts?  Confessionalism is told to whisper low in Zion lest she be heard on the streets of Gath.