Monday, May 1, 2023

May Day Warning - Your Abusive Lutheran $ect Has Declared War on the Best English Bible, So They Can Sell Their Tawdry Paraphrases - The Evil Four Plus One

Has anyone else noticed that the King James Version costs so much less than the Evil Four plus One - NIV, ESV, RSV, NRSV + Beck? The synods put their "Bible" profits into their nasty little pockets.


The Evil Four + One paraphrases - listed above - feature two fatal flaws -
  1. Denial of the Savior's divinity.
  2. Erasing verses which emphasize or support faith in the Savior.
The Evil Four + One should be commended for their duplicity, dishonesty, and greedy money-grubbing. They vary their errors and terrors in the Greek New Testament so people do not realize the great assault on the Apostolic (Traditional) Text. Using the, anyone can see how the Evil Four + One does not march together in a unified way with these errors. Thus Rev. Winebibber DMin can say, "Scholars are divided. These are very difficult topics in Greek."

The Evil Four + One operate as independent to hide one simple fact - they have the same agenda, making money and erasing Biblical text. 

Listen to the short YouTube about the hilariously bad NASB, which the rich sponsor had to reject, much like the Revised KJV of 1881 being dumped by its own apostate promoters.

They must be great, scholarly, precise paraphrases, because they never stop revising everything. The Beck Bible has had more changes than a baby who ate way too many prunes.