Thursday, May 25, 2023

No Sizeable Lutheran Synods Are Left - They Nestled into Romanism or Calvinism, Hating the Bible and Luther with One Accord


More than half of the ELCA bishops are women, great strides toward giving minority status to men. Several of these bishops told a newspaper that the Holy Spirit was in the closet but raring to get out. 

The ELCA path is easy to follow. LCA President James Crumley pursued the Pope with letters that were published and sent to every LCA pastor. They adopted the bishop and presiding bishop titles, becoming more dictatorial, in spite of their claims otherwise. Worship events catered to Roman costumes and hats, incense, high church, and the Society of the Holy Trinity (STS for the Latin). One ELCA pastor posted 10,000 times on the American Lutheran Publicity Bureau's Online Forum (the Ovaltines). However, not one Ovaltine noted that he was arrested and given a cell to call his own - very Roman. I wonder if he has kept his STS dues paid up. "That's my last incense coated on the cell. I scraped but cannot clean it off so well."

From LCA's James Crumley on - LCA/ALC/AELC merging into ELCA - the merger has been a disaster, except for the deluxe C. M. Almy purchases.

Liz Eaton was a Harvard Divinity student when Ohio Bishop Ken Sauer was in office. She was already an ELCA bishop when she defended the ELCA 2009 vote for radicalism. She mocked those who "felt threatened." ELCA has lost 50% of its members. Sauer left the ELCA with five other bishops, all conveniently retired.

The "Conservative" Lutheran Synods Are Not Lutheran: Calvinism Thrives

Bless their flinty little hearts, the  "conservative" Lutheran synods have rushed to the Calvinists with the same fervor as ELCA jumping into bed with Rome. 

This love for Calvinism and Pietism began with their leader convicted - Martin Stephan - taking his cult with him to America. CFW's circle of pastors suddenly realized that the man they made a bishop was a predator. The cult conveniently took Bishop Martin Stephan's gold, property, land, and books, forcing him at gunpoint to escape to Illinois. 

Walther's acolytes - teaching Objective Faithless Justification - include the LCMS, WELS, ELS, CLC (sic), and ELDONA, plus a few other shavings off the dead stump. Walther's dogma harmonizes with Halle University's Pietism/Calvinism and with Calvinism today.

Read this slowly, because Zwingli spouted this nonsense and Calvin later made it look more elegant. The Lutherans today are Zwinglians when they are not copying the Church of Rome. The Church Growth Movement was a way for poorly educated WELS-LCMS clergy to steal millions from the church to pay for their DMins. They could call themselves Doctor as soon as the ink dried on their diplomas, but they only engaged in c-gasms every time they discovered "a new Church Growth principle!"