Tuesday, May 9, 2023

The ALPB Lutheran Forum Letter Leads with Their "No ____ Need Apply,"
Followed by the Megan Rohrer Meltdown, Shemozzle, Collapse


 Bishop Randy DeJaynes was followed by ELDONA'S Right Reverend Bishop James Heiser, STM.

Notice the subtle homeplate design of Bishop DeJayne's hat.

ELCA's Reverend Dr. Bishop Megan Rohrer

"The Rev. Dr. Megan Rohrer served as the first openly transgender Bishop in a major Christian denomination, Megan is an award winning filmmaker, musician and historian, A controversial activist, Megan preaches and teaches around the world and is known for their advocacy for the homeless and LGBTQ communities.  Megan was a finalist for the Lambda Literary award, received an honorable mention as an Unsung Hero of Compassion by Wisdom in Action, with His Holiness the Dali Lama and as one of 95 individuals celebrated in Wittenberg, Germany during the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation."

In short, though a graduate of Augustana College, Sioux Falls, Megan became ELCA's version of fly paper by her series of dictatorial actions leveraged by a steady stream of self-promotions. ELCA fired her and she is suing ELCA.

If ELCA tried to discipline Megan, who now works for Glide Memorial Church, the legal bills would doubtless grow amid the din of howling activists trained in ELCA's ways, the piccolo section because the majority of believers drifted away ever since the 1987 merger in Columbus, Ohio.

Rev. Dr. Amy Shifrin S.T.S. wrote about other issues in the Letter. She was the president of a teeny-tiny quasi-Episcopal ELCA seminary.