Thursday, June 22, 2023

The LCMS Election Results are IN! - Same Old Thing.


This is the banner photo used upon the re-election of Matt the Fatt, hinting the that food court was ravaged in just a few days.

This dishonest photo group was posted all over while Matt was running for an unprecedented President-for-Life designation, akin to South American democracies. Or perhaps Matt lost 50+ pounds just before convention.

Missouri, WELS, and the Little Sect on the Prairie are so opposed to Justification by Faith that they opposed free materials on that topic at one of their Emmaus cult gatherings. Matt was there, glowering and accusing. However, the same synods have no problem working with the gay, abortion-loving ELCA.

I am in favor of Matt the Fatt continuing to equivocate in the LCMS, along with Spineless Schroeder protecting the GA hazing in the Wisconsin sect. Since both are attached to Thrivent and ELCA like weeds along a farmer's fence, they will shrink just as rapidly - or should I say rabidly?

The denominations have no solutions, except to hide behind their gurus and expect flowers to grow from weeds when even the weeds are dying.

 Wayne Mueller - "There is no Church Growth in WELS! But if there is...."