Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The Word of God Has Its Own Ways To Find the Good Soil


A young man stopped by with a brochure and questions about home prices on our cul-de-sac. One thing led to another, talking higher education, radicalism in the public schools. 

We got onto the topic of Biblical studies and Greek. I said, "My church nominated me for distributing good Biblical books." He said, "I have a Greek New Testament on one side and the KJV on the other." We were both pleasantly shocked, and I invited him to see our church service broadcasting and the library room.

As we talked I pulled out around 8 books for him to keep or share for free. Some were from Alec Satin. Others were from Zach Engleman. I added the KJV book and some others.

"You give away KJVs?" He liked that.

We talked about Lutheran doctrine, Justification by Faith, and my definition of holiness. I said, "When we are forgiven through faith in Jesus Christ, holiness is the result."