Wednesday, July 12, 2023

New Publication - Loy - Volume 11 - Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry



The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 11, Matthias Loy, Editor


Highlights of Vol. 11 include: “God’s Law And Man’s Sin” and “The Inspiration Of Holy Scripture” by Matthias Loy, “The Tendency Of The Calvinistic Doctrine Of Absolute Predestination To Vitiate Some Doctrines Of The Christian Religion”, and “Parallels Between St. Paul And Luther”. The Columbus Theological Magazine is one of the specially restored collections of the Lutheran Library.

Contents of Volume 11

(Links to facsimile PDF. Scroll to bottom for other downloads.)Principal Author
Vol. 11 No 1 February 1891
Introductory.By Matthias Loy
Some Elements Of Synodical Disintegration.By C H L S
New Light From The East.By G H S
Parallels Between St. Paul And Luther. II.By P A Peter
Missionary Department. The Source Of Our Strength.By E Pfeiffer
Missionary Department. Literature.By E Pfeiffer
Vol. 11 No 2 April 1891
The Inspiration Of Holy Scripture.By Matthias Loy
Parallels Between St. Paul And Luther. III.By P A Peter
Lay Education.By J P Hentz
Homiletic Rules. (from J. A. Quenstedt’s “Ethica Pastoralis.”)Translated By Rev. E. Schultz.
Missionary Department. The Reconquest Of The Holy Land.By E Pfeiffer
Missionary Department. Literature.By E Pfeiffer
Vol. 11 No 3 June 1891
The Inspiration Of Holy Scripture. Second Article.By Matthias Loy
John 14:6—An Essay. “I Am The Way, The Truth, And The Life: No One Cometh Unto The Father, But By Me.”By C H L S
The Tendency Of The Calvinistic Doctrine Of Absolute Predestination To Vitiate Some Doctrines Of The Christian Religion.By P A Peter
Homiletic Rules. (from J. A. Quenstedt’s “Ethica Pastoralis.”)Translated By Rev. E. Schultz.
Missionary Department. A Missionary Ministry.By E Pfeiffer
Missionary Department. Literature.By E Pfeiffer
Vol. 11 No 4 August 1891
The Messianic Views Of Christ’s Contemporaries.By G H S
The Tendency Of The Calvinistic Doctrine Of Absolute Predestination To Vitiate Some Doctrines Of The Christian Religion. IIBy P E Peter
Who Is The Author Of Isaiah 40-66?By F W Stellhorn
Witchcraft And The Bible.By R C H Lenski
Colonies In Palestine.By G H S
Missionary Department. Literature.By E Pfeiffer
How Can We Make Our Mission Work More Effective?By E Pfeiffer
Vol. 11 No 5 October 1891
The Ideal Parochial School.By Conrad B Gohdes
Anti-scripturalness Of Secret Societies Especially Proven By The Secret Orders Of Free-masons And Odd-fellows.By G Mochel
Homiletic Rules. (from J. A. Quenstedt’s “Ethica Pastoralis.”)Translated By Rev. E. Schultz.
Vol. 11 No 6 December 1891
God’s Law And Man’s Sin.By Matthias Loy
Charity A Distinctively Christian Virtue.By L H Schuh
The Person Of The Mediator. By Dr, Thomasius.By A Pflueger
Our Mission Work.By W Schmidt
Editorial Notes.By Matthias Loy
Missionary Department. Literature.By E Pfeiffer

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Columbus Theological Magazine Volume 11

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Publication Information

  • Lutheran Library edition first published: 2023
  • CopyrightCC BY 4.0
Matthias Loy
Matthias Loy

President of the Joint Synod of Ohio, the Columbus Seminary and Capital University, and edited the Lutheran Standard and the Columbus Theological Magazine. In 1881 he withdrew the Joint Synod from the Synodical Conference as a result of Walther’s teaching about predestination.
