Worse Than Silence about the Efficacy of the Word - Repudiated Through Rationalism and Marketing
A number of our members have said, "I never heard of the efficacy of the Word until I read about it from your blog."
I can understand that, because I went to the library of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, and found almost nothing among all the "Biblical scholars." Kittel's famous volumes - on all the terms in the New Testament - were very thin on the entire word group.
The Greek word for energy is actually "energy," ἐνέργεια, but the genius scholars of today even have trouble with "virgin" παρθένος in Matthew and Luke. Nobody saw the Parthenon, even in photos? (The temple honors the virgin goddess Athena, but who needs Greek when we have Tik-tok and video games? Parthenos in Greek is virgin.)
Efficacy is one of those perfect words, conveying the Holy Spirit at work in the Word and never apart from the Word.
The entire Bible teaches that this Book alone is the established revelation of God, written by men through the power (energy) of the Holy Spirit.
If this power, clarity, and harmony is set aside, the Bible is little more than a quaint book of wisdom, a cultural icon.
That has set "Biblical scholars" free to explore their creativity, since nothing is real except their latest suffocatingly dull publication. Yale Divinity School's own Professor of Weirdness must have 100 publications in its CV.
The Evil Four Plus One
Scorn the Bible
The National Council of Churches' RSV, NRSV, ESV, repudiates the Bible - not to mention
The NIV!
"That they were from many denominations—including Anglican, Assemblies of God, Baptist, Brethren, Christian Reformed, Church of Christ, Evangelical Free, Lutheran, Mennonite, Methodist, Nazarene, Presbyterian, Wesleyan and other churches—helped to safeguard the translation from sectarian bias." 1984 Preface, no really, Lutherans - no bias!
Plus One is the Beck-Otten Bible, sold dishonestly in every issue of the Christian News. The Beck-Otten has all the flaws and lies of the Evil Four.
Nota Bene - The Christian New$ - known for promoting Objective Faithle$$ Ju$tification - has canceled my free copies of the overpriced CN issues online. Sob! I was just telling a member about the "husband of one wife" featured in the tabloid, a pastor on his third wife. But that is the criterion in New Haven (not to be confused with Yale University's campus). Anyone who graduated from a Missouri seminary is righteous for life.
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How do people read this gibberish without laughing out loud? This was published in LutherQuest. One reader asked, "Have they found Luther yet. They are on a quest, after all." |
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Calvin? Knapp? Hale? That is how they pick editors in New Haven, stuck on Calvinism and Objective Faithless Justification. |
Let the Walther inbreds crow about their infallible, inerrant Bibles, arguing only about which bad Bible they love the most. Each one of the Evil Four Plus One drops verses, words, even the resurrection of Jesus Christ in Mark 16. The ending may be separated, or dropped in a footnote, or vanished - the message is the same: "We do not believe in the Empty Grave. Seminex has won. ELCA - give us a smooch of victory."