Friday, August 11, 2023

Grampa Horace Said, "There will be so many Universalists in Hell...

Grampa Horace could never figure out those city slickers, who did not know their Bible.

Grampa Horace said, 
"There will be so many Universalists in Hell, their butts will be hanging out the windows."

LutherQuest - And to think, some of them Walther Universalists actually graduated from college.

GJ - John Bunyan - Pilgrim's Progress - said, "Apart from the Bible, Luther's Galatians is my most read book."

The Rationalist-Pietist dogma that Bishop Martin Stephan, STD, taught to Walther has infected LCMS-ELCA-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) and a few others ignorant of God's Word.

The OJists do not defend their own dogma, because it stinks like last week's garbage, but they love to mock the Chief Article of Christianity, Justifcation by Faith.