Saturday, September 23, 2023

Efficacy - One Word To Cure the Ills of Christendom, None Dare Call It Effectual

Paul Kelm, the point man for the WELS Church Shrinkage Program, has destroyed more churches than the Chicago Fire.  

Tis funny how so many WELS leaders aped the Satanic offspring of Fuller Seminary, defended Fuller, quoted Fuller verbatim, studied the works of Fuller, and denied they ever attended Fuller. One can list Kelm, Valleskey, Bivens, Stolzenburg, Werning, Olson, Huebner, and many more.

Floyd Luther Stolzenburg was kicked out of LCMS, then backed by WELS, especially the Michigan District - Robert Mueller, Paul Kuske, etc. 

Fuller cleverly invited the World Mission executives of all denominations to sip its poison. The executives invited their underlings to attend as well. This was repeated for the American Mission executives, spreading the poison down to the underlings, lo even down to parish pastors (free tuition). LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC made Fuller their alma mater, earning the precious DMin for dopes - coveted by the lazy, greedy, and blasphemous.

Funny how they moved Ski (a Jeske disciple) out and replaced him with another Jeske-ite.

 No! Really? And they deny it.

KJV Philippians 2:13 - 13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

Stephanus - 13 ο θεος γαρ εστιν ο ενεργων εν υμιν και το θελειν και το ενεργειν υπερ της ευδοκιας

Jackson Revisited Version - It is the effective Spirit in the Word which not only gives you the will to serve but is also effective in generating His pleasure. 

Jackson Amplified Version - God's own Holy Spirit not only sparks (energizes) the urge within you but also moves you to carry out His good pleasure - unlike the MBO  fools and their idiotic gimmicks.

 Summer discount at Fuller!
Woo! Pigs! Sooie!