Monday, October 30, 2023

Comment on Reformation and Vimeo - From Pastor Jim Shrader


In a surprise visit, a long-time friend stopped by and talked about the Library recently organized and graced with a computer and wifi. He asked about getting a Krauth Conservative Reformation, spotted it, and happily took it home to add to his reading collection. He already had a Schmauk and other gems. He is an layman who knows Lutheran doctrine much better than the Walther-Calvin maggot priests.

"Excellent. Thanks, Greg for getting these out every Sunday (in spite of any Vimeo problems). IMO the printed word and Norma's art makes up for any Vimeo technological problems." 

Pastor Jim Shrader

Vimeo It Not in Gath!

Tis strange how the synodicals fawn over Peter Drucker but have never opened Schmauk's brilliant, Biblical defense of the Gospel.