Friday, October 13, 2023

Moving into the Computer - The HAL Experience Continues


The younglings may only get this graphic from ancient films and funny graphics. I found that most students in graduate school knew the variations about the hostile computer, HAL as a tweak on IBM.

I have two major computer things left to get going, and a few minor things. The major ones are installing MS Office, which used to be free for teachers. The other is moving the files from the external hard drive to the computer. 

I am stuck on - which some use  - being aligned with the primary email. I have not found how to add that to Better Bird, the improvement on Thunderbird. 

The greg.jackson.edlp version downloaded 30,000 messages, so I may take a few years to study them. Better Bird really is superior to Thunderbird as email software.

The stumbling blocks are the ways every entity tries to "keep passwords safe" when the cyber-cops are blocking legitimate ones and controlling our access to a point of insanity.