Friday, October 20, 2023

One Small Step for a Congregation, One Giant Leap for Zoom


Charlie Sue: "You broke IBM, then Vimeo, what's NEXT!?"

Vimeo did us a favor last Sunday by conking out and staying out. This last straw led us into Zoom. I will be practicing tomorrow. It works with a link that I will send around and we can save the services for the Left Coast, where people get up much later than the Midwest and East Coast.

If you are skipped, let me know so I can send the link and also build up a good list. Before, the Vimeos and ancient IBMs were just there for everyone.

My prehistoric computer quit for good, but I had a spare. I finished the project of having a real Library with all the books and another computer - yes three main computers. I also have a laptop for trips. The Four are 

  1. The Library, 
  2. The Chapel, and 
  3. The Office, and 
  4. The Traveler.

The lonely coffee table  - where the Office computer waited for its big day - is now the place where choice Lutheran books and other classics are boxed and sent away for free. Our first happy recipient is enjoying hers now. More details will follow.