Friday, October 6, 2023

WELS-LCMS: Chasing Andy Stanley, ELCA, or Both?


Andy Stanley Comes Clean About Supporting Homosexuality, Sort Of

"Andy Stanley came under fire earlier this year for his support of homosexuality which publicly dates back to 2012, yet that sermon did not attract the same level of notoriety as what he said behind closed doors. Nevertheless, Andy Stanley would continue to have a pro-sodomite conference at his church last month, which was brought up in his most recent sermon. In uncharacteristic fashion, Andy Stanley did not make public his most recent sermon, but audio obtained by Protestia has gone viral.

Andy Stanley begins by telling his audience that he has not changed his position on this, meaning he’s always been affirming of homosexuality.

Andy Stanley makes it clear that he teaches that same-sex attraction is not sinful. This is in direct violation of the Bible’s teachings on sinful desires.

Andy Stanley then denies that the Unconditional Conference was gay affirming. This is a lie, but Andy Stanley is clearly doing damage control as he mentions that people left his church because of this. He mentions two presenters at the conference, Brian and Justin who are homosexuals in a “marriage,” yet their faith is affirmed by Andy Stanley also. He then says that these two people have been regular speakers at his church for some time in an attempt to own discernment bloggers for not knowing this. Yet ironically, he proves the point that he’s gay affirming in trying to lie about it while at the same time affirming it."