Friday, November 17, 2023

Ichabod Will Continue with Teaching Biblical Doctrine And Reporting on Apostasy.
Changing to Zoom Is Taking Time - We Have Vimeo for the Interim


No one is more omni-Lutheran than Mark Jeske, so this is a perfect symbol of his Law, glowering high above the rest of us, standing on a pile of Thrivent loot, unborn babies, and ELCA principles.

First of all, I am not going to reduce doctrinal teaching but increase it. Our prolific publisher, Alec Satin, suggested a seminary using videos. One reason is the mileage on my eyes. Secondly, using video is very flexible and low cost. 

I suggested the name - Reformation Seminary. The Reformation only includes the German effort by Luther and his associates in that century. The Zwinglians, Calvinists, and Baptist/Mennonites came later and acted like renters who want the landlord to change as much as possible about the property (Martin Chemnitz, Apology of the Book of Concord).

Thus we have all kinds of doctrinal aberrations - Objective Faithless Justification, Druckerish Church Growth Business Management, Entertainment Evangelism, Papal Puppets - driving people away from the Scriptures. Jeske is a perfect example of the self-promoting carnival barker inviting everyone to buy his cheap junk at a high price. One of his pan-Lutheran speakers explained how her pastoral job in a large church was to calm people down about lifestyles. The published statement from her parish soon erased that inconvenient truth.

Congregations, colleges, and cathedrals are collapsing from the absence of the Apostolic Text (the King James Bible) and faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary, miracle worker, teacher, healer of the deaf, blind, palsied, who was tortured and crucified, rose from the tomb, ascended into Heaven, and guides us today.