Thursday, January 11, 2024

Request for More Nutritional Insights


I post my weight every so often on the Internet calendar. The key is lb since the numbers change, drifting down and fattening up for a time, starting in 2020. The key was my diabetic blood sugar, as predicted years before, and the perfect cholesterol number due to walnuts. A doctor told one of our church members that a handful of walnuts was required daily, and I complied with a side order of ice cream. The cholesterol went down as the blood sugar went up, so I identified the culprit with ease - me.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman, though a bit fanatic, as many prophets are, woke me up with his book Eat To Live. His Super Immunity book is perhaps even better with descriptions of how foods become medicine when allowed. Fuhrman shocked me with the overwhelming and inexpensive nutritional bonanza of frozen chopped greens, frozen vegetables, fresh fruit, nuts, seeds, and Ciceros in a can. Americans love lots of bread and hummus but go YUK! about chick peas in a can. Silly - Cicero's Latin name is chick pea.

A grocery store provides all the worst kinds of food that hurts us, because highly processed foods are loaded with salt, fat, and sugar, simultaneously removing the medicine God created - leafy greens, vegetables, fresh fruit, nuts, and seeds. Guess which group costs the most per ounce!

I grocery shop now - no more Schwan's -for salt. Beans and pizzas are good for salty shock and awe. I can get canned Ciceros with 120 mgs of salt per serving. Many beans sold by Bush are at 480 mgs per serving. One new rogue can of beans (which I own but do not eat) is rated at 1050 mgs of salt per serving. Our bodies store excess salt, which promotes high blood sugar. Walmart sells Dr. Pepper beans at a very high level, though not as saline as 1050 mgs. 

This Fuhrman-centric change really has to be a long-term project, gradually removing certified sugar-salt-fat Ft. Knox products - expensive by definition, protected against any threat. Go down the frozen vegetable display - IGNORE THE NEARBY CHOCOLATES! - you will find many frozen vegetables and fruits, highly priced and loaded with added sugar and salt. The frozen, low cost vegetables are often SEASONED SEPARATELY! Yes, the cash cost is ginned up for a few pennies of added salt, added sugar, and various spices. 

We do not crave food so much as we crave food we are used to eating. Therefore, slipping out of the clutches and bad health of Dames Sugar-Salt-Fat will entice us to go back and plunge into the Slough of Despond (Pilgrim's Progress). I went back to pizza and some ice cream when I was driving someone almost daily to the hospital. However, Herr Schwan helped by making a lot of their frozen foods excessively expensive and salty, fat taken for granted. I told the the very nice driver to her face that they were delivering very unhealthy and fabulously overpriced food, combined with really bad management - not at her level, but above. I bought one more package of "good" chocolate ice cream at the grocery store and discovered it was one of those fake ice creams, so bad that squirrels would not touch it. Thank you Stinko Corrupted Fake Ice Cream. 

Needless to say, Herr Ronald McDonald is now an orphan. I found unpleasant symptoms from the salt-sugar-fat and a repeat of the symptoms with Kettle Corn at the store (salt- corn sugar-fat). 

Good Craving

Now that I have confessed so much about toxic unhealthy food, let me encourage people who are trying to shift to greens, beans, vegetables, fresh fruit, nuts, and seeds. 

Changing food choices at once is impossible, but that has made many individuals criminally wealthy by promoting rigid, fanatical, trademarked formulas. My opinion - drop one terrible food at a time or reduce a favorite in amounts eaten in a week, substituting greens, beans, and fresh fruit - all three are nutritious and non-fattening.

Super Secret Stew

  1. I include one meat serving per day, because omitting meat makes one weak and slow. Not having breakfast is dumb - not as foolish as eating at McDonalds or Starbucks - but still dumb, promoting raging replacements to serve a cavernous hunger.
  2. Charlie Sue and I have one egg each morning, one tiny toast for me (no butter) and Science Diet for her. That is good for many hours.
  3. I started greens and beans lunch with Dr. Fuhrman and have continued it - daily - for two years. I now slice some sausage into the stew and Charlie gets some from me by hand while we eat. 
  4. One smoked sausage sliced is the beginning, and they flavor the stew, heated with a little water. Daily.
  5. Frozen greens, daily, are currently chopped spinach and turnip greens, sometimes collards. Laugh all you want, they have almost no calories, no fat, not sugar, lots of fiber, and a lot of nutrition.
  6. Ground flax seed, daily, is early since I am prone to forget this ingredient unless it is overdone. Ground flax seed is considered anti-cancer. 
  7. Anise is wonderful in stew, and so is Italian seasoning.
  8. Blueberries, daily, are anti-cancer and all around good. Three handfuls.
  9. Anti-cholesterol walnuts are daily, one handful and sometimes repeated as an evening substitute for ice cream. 
  10. Mushrooms, daily, are anti-cancer and delicious in stew. 
  11. Lima beans, daily, are good and add to the nutritional mix.
  12. Onions, green and red peppers were foundation when I began make stew, and I still favor the mix, which is considered anti-cancer and part of the rainbow collection of vegetables.
  13. Tomato paste, daily, provides a base for the stew and is possibly help for the eyes.
  14. The last is a can of Ciceros. They are worked into the stew, which is heated up during the additions.
  15. I use a two-quart pan and usually eat all of it, with the very bottom being shared by Charlie.

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