Monday, January 15, 2024

Snow and Fun with the Birds


Yesterday was especially cold for Springdale, so I put seed out on the garbage barrels. Soon I spotted a male cardinal sitting on his person pile of seeds and eating all he could reach without moving. Blue jays took their turns snatching food.

We had inches of light, fluffy snow today, so I found the grain shovel and began clearing off the driveway this morning. My Laotian neighbor taught me that early shoveling reduced labor by 90%. Solar heat favors my east-pointing driveway, so I went outside to a solo performance. I am the oldest on the block but the only one shoveling. Kids shoveling for money or threats? Nope. The powder was very light, so I also cleared my neighbor's sidewalk up to their mailbox. 

The bonus after shoveling was clearing off the garbage barrels, and several feeders. Just now I looked out the kitchen window to see starlings all over the feeders and arriving at the trees. 

The only problem was coming in with snowy shoes on the clean, polished kitchen floor. I survived it.