Friday, February 2, 2024

Zoom Calendar of Events


This is a good example of what was taught before Objective Justification (Walther-Pieper) stole the Gospel and rejected Justification by Faith. I owned two of Fuerbringer's books - he constantly studied Luther's writing, including the Postils.

We had a discussion about Zoom last night and worked on details. I am going to use the chapel computer. 

Today I need to go over the list of active participants, so the email links will provide access to the worship service and Bible study at 10 AM Central, and will begin at 9:30 AM to assure everyone (including me) that it is working. It will remain working until 11:30 AM, which is a bit longer than the time we finish after the Bible study.

The email is the link to the live service, so keep track of that.

The traditional email with an attached Word version of the service will be sent as well, and you will see the service on the Ichabod blog.

The Sunday worship and Bible study will be saved, so that will work for those out West.

PS -

Vimeo will be a backup program since I can get that going in a few minutes, but I do not expect that to happen.