Friday, March 8, 2024

Whom Do We Follow? Jesus Christ Our Good Shepherd - Or CFW Walther, The Pietist Who Covered for His Bishop's Syphilis?

A Stephan descendant wrote this book. Walther talked Stephan's son out of his father's land. I photoshopped the cover because CFW Walther and his circle covered for their bishop. Walther's circle took control over the cult - nabbed from Bishop Stephan - when they suddenly "discovered" the syphilis and the STD the bishop gave to young women.

Walther and his associates were severe Pietists and began to follow Pastor Martin Stephan after their earlier mentor moved away and died. A letter from Stephan "saved CFW's life," teaching the whole world is righteous, forgiven of sin. Walther not only stole land, books, chalice, and money from Stephan, but also the bishop's Objective Faithless Justification. Stephan himself was a dedicated Pietist who attended Halle University, a Pietist citadel, the Jerusalem of all who followed Philipp Spener.

The Walther Circle must have been pretty dense, because Stephan took his son and his mistress to America, excluding his wife and his sickly children. Walther and Company agreed to make Pastor Stephan a bishop before they disembarked in New Orleans. The LCMS has continued to deny their  dogma, as taught by Spener (Pietist), Knapp (Pietist), Stephan (Pietist), and Walther's Circle (Pietist).

Note the extreme dump of malarkey in this statement, which Robert Preus cited. The LCMS and its sister-sects consider this to be far more significant than Luther and the Scriptures. Does anyone wonder why the failing three sects are racing downward, as if trying to catch up with ELCA? 

LCMS, WELS, and the ELS consider "in Christ" as their lifeline to their peculiar dogma, but Calov said it best, and Preus cited the repudiation. 

Anyone in the LCMS-WELS-ELS who disagrees with Walther is condemned as a "false teacher." Robert Preus' final book, Justification and Rome, edited by two of his sons, repudiates Objective Faithless Justification, but his children and grandchildren still do not acknowledge Justification by Faith.

Pietism always decays into Unitarian rationalism, rejecting the Trinity and almost everything else. ELCA began as a series of Pietist missions to America. Now they embrace every kind of radicalism and reject 

  • the Scriptures, 
  • Luther's works, and 
  • common sense. 

Now the Big Five - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) are shrinking fast from following the chimera of progress.

Universal Pietism embraces Universalism - everyone is saved and happy. That is why the Unitarians merged with the Universalists.