Friday, May 24, 2024

Brighten Up the Yard with Hummingbirds And Roses


I worked on this project for some time. First I transplanted clethra along the fence, so the shrubs would gradually provide a stop for hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies. Summer Sweet, as they call it, took hold over the winter and grow slowly. I have one or two spares in the front yard, plus a large, wide shrub.

Next I planted a number of David Austin roses along the fence and in the wild garden, so more people could see the blooms. My neighbor across the street yelled, with a big smile, "Thank you for the flowers!" I said, "There are a lot more coming."

The lectures and Greek lesson always have roses, and they are given away. I often take several samples to various houses, too, which is fun. Father's Day is a handy time to drop off a sample at each home.

Queen of Sweden, David Austin Rose

I put up four hummingbird feeders along the fence, adding another to view from the kitchen window, and another in the front yard. Hummers guard their favorite feeders and wait high up in the trees to dive down and scare the hummer competition away.  

Some birdfood trays are available here and there, front and back. 

In moving hostas from the front to the back I accidentally duplicated them, because their roots start over again. That gives the front and back gardens a place to give hosta flowers feeding hummers easily and at different times, not all at once.

Clethra - I was growing them without knowing anything about them.