Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Big Five - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) Were Already Feeding
On the Carrion of Apostasy in 2007


I began this blog - warning about apostasy - 17 years ago, and yet there are no acknowledgements. Apostates are those who once believed in Jesus Christ but now have abandoned the Savior by 

  1. using cute sayings, 
  2. casting grand visions of the future,  
  3. promoting hatred of the only worthwhile Bible - the King James Version,
  4. coveting the Church of Rome  - or Fuller Seminary -  or both.

The Big Five leaders are like maggots, which have some value. The wiggling white worms look disgusting while they devour carrion and leave healthy flesh alone. The maggots turn into flies and fly off to reproduce more of their kind. The Big Five are examples of maggots making maggots making maggots, the real story behind "making disciples" - the favorite slogan of the Big Five. A WELS professor and pastor argued - "Making disciples who make disciples who make disciples," a false translation of the Great Commission, but who cares?

They even have Giving Counselors, who visit grandparents and sell them Irrevocable Charitable Annuities. What a blessing from their Father Below! An annuity signature takes a large sum away from the elderly and gives it to the synod forever. One widow gave away a profitable business and the synod bankrupted it, causing her to go to court for mishandling the estate. The synod lost the court case and said, "We have to be more careful about the gifts we receive." Yes, they said that out loud, without bursting into laughter.

God has a purpose for everything, although we do not see that purpose in the present. The maggots of apostasy are destined to go away and leave behind those who believe in Jesus Christ and the Scriptures. The remnants do not need the trappings of the synod, even when they are ridiculously small, like the ELS and CLC (sic), more obviously in the downhill spiral.

Every group of believers can gather around a pastor through the Internet. Our little group has gone from Ustream to Vimeo to Zoom, the last one being ideal and relatively inexpensive. My father had a very small business and he was always calculating how stores were created overnight with all the decorations of a thriving business. He would drive the new malls and say, "The rent is going to eat them alive!" The glamorous malls and new discount stores were glittering to us, but pathetic in a few decades.

Any potential or surviving church can get cable, find music, and work on using Zoom. The cost is minimal, especially compared to a building that is very needy but hardly used.

The Big Five will soon be the Barely Alive Three.