Tuesday, May 21, 2024

This Secret about Craving Food Could Make You a Millionaire


I have found the secret about craving food, after years of experimentation and reading books. 

Here is the path to make a fortune without reading any books, just this simple plan. Whatever the magic formula might be, just promote A TWO WEEK CRASH DIET AND LOSE 10 POUNDS! 

Once the two weeks are over, the victim I mean customer will gain it all back and then some, because the desire for the missing food is gigantic.

Every trademark food fad works that way, and the fad promoters all get rich as previous victims give it another try from a different source.

I found that slowly reducing the processed foods, pizzas, desserts, and candy will decrease the desire for those foods. The fat builders have to be replaced with greens, beans, vegetables, and fresh fruit. Foolish people like me thought of fresh fruit as expensive. 

Here is a sample - craving a dessert. The solution is eating two large apples (favorite kind - Cosmic Crisp). 

Another part of this comes from really studying  nutrition, from books and websites of Joel Fuhrman and Michael Greger. The facts about expensive processed foods will kill anyone's appetite.