Sunday, June 30, 2024

One of the Many Lutheran Colleges on the Brink of Disaster


The future...

Rick Strickert (Carlvehse)
Senior Member
Username: Carlvehse

Post Number: 11165
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 - 7:15 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

In a June 26th article, "A Few Thoughts in Response to Some Questions & Concerns Regarding Ann Arbor," Indiana District President Richard Stuckwisch, who is also an advisory member of the CUWAA Board of Regents, stated in part:


Please note that I am not writing on behalf of the CUWAA Board of Regents, but rather as the president of the Indiana District, especially for the benefit of those under my ecclesiastical care.

The primary question and concern that I have heard and seen from multiple people over the past five months is, “Why the urgency of action in regards to the Ann Arbor campus at this time?” It has come as a shock to many, seemingly out of the blue, and in apparent contrast to indications that all was going well. I understand and sympathize with the confusion and frustration. But the truth is that current circumstances have been developing for some time, to such an extent that the University is really behind the 8 ball now, and the sooner steps are taken, the better, in the hopes that both campuses can survive and thrive into the future. Significant actions are being taken on both campuses, but the situation in Ann Arbor is more urgent, the necessary changes greater. The goal is to act now, before it is too late to turn the tide....

The dire problem has been that the cost per student has been as great or greater than the revenue received in tuition per student. In other words, the greater number of students at Ann Arbor has actually not improved the financial position of the campus... [Boldface added]