Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Wrong Guy Knocked on the Door To Sell Pesticides


Falling in Love Rose on the hood of a Lincoln Town Car,
a spider poised to grab a meal in style.

The doorbell rang last night, and it was a bit late for that. I opened the door and saw a typical door-to-door college age salesman. He was very polite, which is common in these-here parts. 

He was quite struck by the roses in bloom and all kinds of other plants, which I could have mentioned - Joe Pye, Cinnabon Shrub, Bee Balm, Calla Lilies, Lilies, various mints, hostas, pinks, various butterfly plants, and honeysuckle just around the corner. 

He wanted to have his guys spray their formula around the abod . I said, using Creation logic, "Why would I want pesticides all over the gardens when the beneficial insects devour the pests?" I explained how an insect can lay eggs inside a pest, letting their young wake up to a fresh meal served rare.

"If you are not satisfied, I can send the crew back to spray again."

I said, "A woman sold pesticides for a long time and made her living that way. Her friend suggested giving up the toxins and letting nature take its course. Now she is famous, writing about beneficial insects, without using poison."

He was quite genial but I was guided by my mother, a teacher who caught bugs and showed them to timid children, explaining, for instance, how spiders work. I told the salesman that a spider is inside each rose, waiting to have some food. Why would I kill the thousands of spiders that eat up damaging insects?

He said, "You are way beyond me." He left very friendly.

 Easy Does It