Saturday, June 1, 2024

Worse Than Tornadoes - Leftwing Politics Today


Luther was hidden by Frederick the Wise to keep him alive.
Ironically, Frederick had the vote to keep the Holy Roman Emperor subdued.

Someone already emailed me to ask for "A Mighty Fortress" in tomorrow's service - and to sing it more often. 

Luther was so much the target of the Church of Rome that he was disappeared and kept in a castle by Frederick the Wise. Luther was there almost a year and translated the Greek New Testament into German, somehow leaving out "making disciples."

The crumbling of our Constitutional Republic was preceded by the same kind of rotten politics of the denominations. Here are examples of denominations in their pursuit of gay apostasy, roughly in order of decay.

Rainbow Advocacy in Denominations: Pastors, Then Bishops

  1. The Church of Rome
  2. Unitarian-Universalist Association
  3. United Church of Christ
  4. Reformed Church in America 
  5. Presbyterian
  6. Episcopal Church
  7. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 2009 official decision
  8. United Methodist Church, now official 
  9. American Baptist Church, split in 2006
  10. Andy Stanley - idolized by WELS - explained his rainbow confession of unfaith

The ecclesiastical leadership of most Americans has goose-stepped into a complete rejection of marriage and the family, God's Creation, and the Constitution of the United States of America. They remind me of Ken, my neighbor who always pushed the limit. He grabbed the vine on the hill going down to the crick, but slipped off and fell onto a pointed tree stump. His guardian angel helped a lot, but he ran home screaming. 

The party is over in America - the thrill of a tiny minority in each denomination having an overwhelming claim to leadership. That is now dragging down each church body, because traditional believers have nowhere to go except to leave. WELS and Missouri imagined they would grab a portion of the ELCA exodus in 1987  - when the LCA, ALC, and Seminexers formed their hellish union to lift up their dogma and rub it in the face of those who once supported them by faith and funds.

The denominational meltdown is established, counted, and racing downhill with nothing to stop them. They are the engine screaming for President Trump's elimination, from the fake election and fraudulent impeachment to the string of anti-Constitutional lawsuits, now called lawfare. 

I did not start giving to the GOP when the Republican Party was as timid and duplicitous as VP Pence. Now I am going to be regular in supporting Trump. I am also going to be sending letters to various politicians. All of us who care about our Constitutional Republic are obliged to honor the graves of those who risked their lives for the future.

 This wealthy little church was thrilled to borrow this "creed" from a like-minded female pastor.