Saturday, July 27, 2024

One Giant Leap for the Church Growth Synodical Heroes.
Protestia Strikes Again.


16ft Chocolate Waterwall? Megachurch Turns Church Into High-Production Willy Wonka Factory

The church is linked here.

"LCBC (Lives Changed By Christ) is a non-denominational multisite megachurch with twenty locations spread across Pennsylvania. Founded in 1986 and led by senior pastor Jason Mitchell, last year, they had an average weekly in-person attendance of 14,044, with another 7354 watching online. They had 12,267 first-time guests, baptized 640 people, sponsored 934 children overseas, and gave $41,115,218 in tithes and offerings."

Imagine all the time pastors have wasted studying the Bible, the Confessions, and church history. Fortunately, Church and Change - established in many other forums - developed new efforts with even less knowledge. Gimmicks are the solution, so they can all sit down to eat and rise up to play (Exodus). Bible study with booze was an innovation, because they could not get the Babtists to come out into the open with the ultimate lure of liquor.

The efficacy of the Word has its negative but powerful side. When people mock the Gospel Word, substitute various poisons, and gloat over their success, they are hardening and blinding themselves.

Note that the Growthers are quick to pounce on any pastor or layman who dares to question the Great Fake, hatched by Fuller Seminary and coached by Peter Drucker hisself. Fate propelled me into LCA Growth, then WELS and LCMS Growth, and finally the doomed CLC (sic) Growth. That moved me to question the great New Awakening that seemed so appealing to the dim-wits yet smelled like vomit.

Congratulate - The Faithless Five - 


Look back in anger, reflect on the last 50 years of Lutheran Synodality: 

1. Ridiculing the KJV Bible while embracing and promoting the Left-wing paraphrases - RSV, ESV, NRSV, NIV, Becker-Otten Copycat, TEV, etc.

2. Promoting women's ordination, which opened the gates to gay ordination, or merely ordination cloaked gay - you know who they are.

3. Seminary posts derived from the Pasadena Polecats, to legitimize the district Church Growth experts and meetings with ELCA and the whole gang.

4. Women in charge of congregational worship, so the exhausted pastors can do even less work and be subordinate to the lady's ordination circle.

5. Confirmation watered down to the least possible content, but not without a 400 page Small (stop laughing) Catechism.

6. Run, crawl, spy on, and surveille the nearest clown sect (especially in one's own demi-semi-Lutheran district).

7. May your clown congregations be like Bill Hybels'. I remember the WELS pastors slobbering about Willow Creek Community Church, given money from the sect to be trained there for free.

Link to Willow Creek "Growth"

"The scandal prompted Hybels to resign under pressure on April 10, 2018, and eventually led to the resignation of Willow Creek’s entire board.

In 2019, Willow Creek’s new board released a statement accusing Hybels of “unchecked sin and intimidating behavior.” And the board admitted that the church’s initial response, blaming the alleged victims, harmed the victims and their advocates.

Since 2018, Willow Creek has shrunk in size, and giving has plunged as much as 45 percent."