Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Protestia Broadcasts the Andy Stanley Hoax - Ichabod Posted that News Years Ago - WELS


Ski created a blog where he praised the extraordinary methods of Andy Stanley and bragged that he worshiped with Stanley, Tim Glende, and some other WELS knuckle-heads. The Ski-blog stayed up for a long time, and it was quoted on Ichabod.

Here is Andy Stanley Hisself with Ski at that Babtist conference.

Crooked smile Mike Novotny is all for ELCA's open arms approach, and Time of Grace is promoting it. Mike followed Ski at the constantly-moving CORE site. Mirthless Mark Schroeder backed up whatever they did, including Ski-Glende-staff taking one of their victims to court. 

Editor’s Note. We’ve been writing about North Point for a long time, documenting the theological drift of one of the largest megachurches in America, frequently with exclusive reporting. Some of the stories include:

For other non-LGBTQ Controversies, he made waves for encouraging Christians to essentially throw out the Old Testament, arguing that believers should “unhitch” themselves from portions of Old Testament Scripture. He denied the Genesis account, saying God only said it to ‘accommodate to our capacity,’ repeatedly told his congregants, ‘I’m not arguing that the bible is correct,’ and told his church the ‘foundation of our faith is not the whole bible.’

GJ -

For decades WELS has been telling people that they are too pure to associate with anyone else, while they are climbing into bed with ELCA and every whacko sect they imagine has "the answers."