Thursday, July 11, 2024

Protestia - Strange Concepts of Married Pastor in the United Church of Canada, eh?


Protestia - Patrick Woodbeck, who uses He/They pronouns, spent a decade as the pastor of Windsor Park United Church before taking on a position at Gordon-King Memorial United Church.

Both congregations are part of the United Church of Canada denomination, which was formed when liberal Methodist, Presbyterian, and Congregational churches merged to create a new denomination. A Canadian version of the United Church of Christ, they are a denomination so woke and corrupt that one of its most prominent ministers, Gretta Vosper, has spent decades leading her church as an avowed atheist, and she has never been removed.

“So my partner and I have been together for probably 16 years. And so we were exclusive up until four years ago, so we are in a relationship where we can engage in physical intimacy with others outside of the relationship, both together and alone.”

Tiny Shrinking WELS Commends Alternative Lifestyles, 

Not Unlike ELCA

Cross-dressing WELS Pastor Leads the Church Picnic! 

And so...

That Pastor Leads the Next WELS Teachers' Conference!

"I'm ready for my close-ups."

WELS Parish Welcomes Children Facilitating 
Pastors and Their Parents
 "These lipsticks proclaim the glory of WELS...?"

 Cross-dressing video-taped and published on YouTube? No problem. They all got calls.

 I always thought they were a bunch of thespians.

This Satanic symbol was posted on Facebook, WELS  graduate.

 Apsiring WELS college students reveals the correct use of sic.

WELS welcomes the onslaught.