Friday, July 12, 2024

The Ichabod Catacomb Plan For Congregations


Free Republic

"Without pretending to offer advice to the Methodists, instead I’ll offer a bit of advice to a large spectrum of churches for these times.

Maybe it’s time for some churches to eschew owning property, buildings, etc. Maybe it’s time for churches to seek out spaces to rent, or lease — such as hotel conference room areas, for Sundays only, while finding a nearby vacant office space, such as in a strip mall, to lease for clerical needs and for meeting spaces during the week.

That way, the landlords are on the hook for insurance, also building and parking lot maintenance. The church takes out a liability policy at a comparatively small price. Then the church would have funds to share with the poor, the persecuted, and for evangelism.

It’s a model that I think would work. And it would obviate the problem stated in this article."


GJ - Worship in the spare room of a rented house - The Ichabod Catacomb Plan - offers minimal costs and flexible places for worship.

That marvel of expert buffoonery - Fuller Seminary - thinks everyone should follow their plans 

  1. to own buildings and parking lots, 
  2. to avoid associating the name of the parish while hiding its doctrinal foundation, 
  3. to aim at material wealth while ignoring the rooster crowing - Luke 26:34.
In times past, the denominations aimed at reaching people rather than bragging about buildings. The efficacious Word of God will draw people to the truth.