Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Your Thrivent Dollars at Work - Faithless Four Waltherians Love ELCA


Thousands of Brainless Lutheran Youth Chant ‘Free Free Palestine’ at Major ELCA Gathering

"The only thing the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America hates more than sound doctrine is the country of Israel, demonstrated by their rabid fomenting at every chance they get, recently having 16,000 kids gathered at the ELCA 2024 Youth Gathering indulge in a spirited chant of “Free Free Palestine “while wearing the keffiyeh and waiving the Palestinian flags from the stage."

Twin sisters fight to keep ancestral land industry-free

It’s an unsurprising move from one of the world’s wokest and most demonic denominations, who have made no secret of their Jew bias. This has been detailed in Head Of the Lutheran Denomination Blamed Israel For Hamas Attack, the time the ELCA and PCUSA Penned an Open Letter Asking USA Govt. To DENY Israel Weaponry+ Accuses Israel of War Crimes, that time the  ELCA Signd a Letter Bashing Israel and Repeating Pro-Hamas Talking Points, and the occasion where ELCA Conference of Bishops Calls for Permanent Bilateral Cease-fire in Gaza.