Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Delays Continue in the Bathtube Renovation Project


I wonder if The Faithless Five - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic), can spell Jakob Spener and explain how they fell into the Slough of Despond.

First I was hearing the schedule of Monday-Tuesday, which accomplished a lot. However, that was only half the project. Next is drywall and various other items, such as replacing some hardware. That is likely today, but not official. Likely things will be done today (drywall) and Friday (putting everything back together). I can put together two Reformation Seminary lectures on John either on Friday or Saturday, God willing.

I enjoy doing the lectures and appreciate your responses.

Fuerbringer - Walther's nephew - got it right. Notice that the date is five years before the disastrous Brief Statement of 1932, which included and welded Objective Justification into the Synodical Conference. Gausewitz' Small Catechism was published in 1927. 

These presidential posts obviously received much attention when obituaries had to be written in 1927 for this outstanding leader in our Lutheran circles, who died suddenly in the Grace sacristy just before the Holy Communion service on Sept. 4. More important, however, then and especially later was the service Gausewitz rendered through work on the synodical Catechism. The first special Catechism project that engaged the attention of Carl Gausewitz was working on a Synodical Conference committee charged with the responsibility of editing Luther’s Small Catechism. The committee was busy at the turn of the century.13"

Carl Gausewitz: Church Man and Catechist
By Edward C. Fredrich