Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Two Kinds of Polls - Be Sure To Keep Them Straight


One of the political science guys explained polls this way, so listen up.

Published polls are broadcast solely to influence people. Any live poll-taker can ask questions like, "Does Trump frighten you?" In fact, one of these experts at Forbes did not even do any research. He made up the questions and the "votes."

Internal polls are the research the politicians have paid for. The internal polls are not given out to the media or the public, so the candidates do not get confused by their own dreams and the phony statistics.

The soi-disant Lutheran synods are exactly the same. The managers know what is going on, but they publish future statistics, dreams, and hopes to distract the members from the disaster. They caused it with Objective Faithless Justification and mocking the Augsburg Confession.

"Those lovable ELDONUTs!"

Would someone develop a simple list of The Faithless Five - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) numbers? A banker would not last long, if his numbers were as bad as the Lutherans for so many years. The poorly educated presidents/bishops/presiding bishops should be ashamed to grab so much money and fail to teach Biblical doctrine, faith in Jesus Christ and the efficacy of His Word.