Friday, September 6, 2024

Matt the Flexible Has Finally Backed Away from the LCMS-WELS-ELS Opioids


Matt the Fatt only needed11 million Ichabod views to admit the obvious - the Missouri Synod, like its fetid partners - loves everything except the efficacy of the Word in the Means of Grace.

Nothing in the Book of Concord teaches Objective Faithless Justification.  

Rick Strickert (Carlvehse)
Senior Member
Username: Carlvehse

Post Number: 11199
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Friday, September 06, 2024 - 11:55 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

In 2023 there was a brouhaha over the CTCR/CPH/ChiCom-manufactured LLCACA and President Harrison's diktat for the excommunication purge of the "horrible and racist" "alt-right" teachers of "white supremacy, Nazism, pro-slavery, anti-interracial marriage, women as property, fascism, death for homosexuals, even genocide," who "were at the genesis of a recent controversy surrounding essays" in LLCACA. Some of the essays (and their authors) had been sharply criticized for their non-Lutheran, woketardian, leftist propaganda. As a result, at least two critics were known to have been excommunicated, although one excommunicant was reinstated as a communicant member in another LCMS congregation.

Now, in his September 1, 2024, letter, "Give Me ‘Book of Concord’ Lutheranism," President Harrison seems to have backpedaled ever so slightly (and perhaps even taken a swipe at some hyper-ritualist blog postings) when he stated:


Give me Book of Concord Lutheranism! Book of Concord Lutheranism does not need to be supplemented. It cannot be supplemented with modernism or post-modernism without subtraction. It doesn’t need Anglicanism (apostolic succession, broad church latitude in doctrine, ambiguity in its public confession of Christ in the Sacrament). It doesn’t need Roman Catholicism (a pope, episcopal order, dogma of tradition, seven sacraments, obscure liturgical intricacies or splendorous vestments). It doesn’t need to be supplemented by pop evangelical, what’s-happening-now, wandering, skinny-jeaned, unvested preachers. It doesn’t need Eastern Orthodoxy (dogma of the authority of the church fathers and seven ecumenical councils, much less infant or toddler Communion).

This Mark and Avoid Jeske Photoshop honors the Big Five plus other toxins, like Leonard Sweet, below, patron saint of Lutheran goofballs.

CPH's 400 page "Small" Catechism advises teachers to soft-pedal Objective Faithless Justification. Luther's own Small Catechism teaches Justification by Faith.