Friday, September 27, 2024

New President at Concordia Seminary, Ft. Wayne. Same Old Bait and Switch with Clouds of Incense Almy Costumes


‘Hand in glove’

After being installed by Stuckwisch at the end of the service, Bruss officially opened the academic year with prayers for God’s blessings on the work to be done, followed by a presidential address in which he offered a “small apologia” for including Concordia in the name of Concordia Theological Seminary: “Our seminary is called ‘Concordia Theological Seminary’ — that is, ‘Book of Concord Theological Seminary.’ …

“Faith and confession go hand in glove,” Bruss said. “Our confessions rest on what the Scriptures say and give us to confess: That through them, God has revealed Himself, His will and the salvation that He worked through the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ, in words that are so clear that they may be faithfully reproduced, so that with the heart, one may believe and be justified and with the mouth one may confess and be saved.”


GJ - The problem remains - The Four Waltherian Cults - LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) plus ELCA declare the word faith, but reject faith in Jesus Christ.

Many years ago, Ft. Wayne (with Robert Preus as president) offered the DMin degree in Church Growth, so they could borrow from Fuller Seminary. Perhaps the greater cancer at Ft. Wayne and St. Louis is their sinuflecting toward the Church of Rome. Sinuflecting is a British witticism based on the slithering of a snake while bending the knee in a gradual march toward the Pope, crying for forgiveness and demi-semi-absolution. 

If Luther, Melanchthon, and Chemnitz are correct, then the Big Five Sects are utterly useless in their apostate claims.

The Big Five are utterly faithless and prove that in all their works. Justification by Faith is the Chief Article of Christian Religion, but they abhor and reject this Chief Article. WELS genius Frosty Bivens declared that Objective Faithless Justification was and is the Chief Article. I think he borrowed that from Zarling, who considered OJ a diamond.

The so-called editors of their father's book never caught on the problems with the beloved Rambach, Stephan, and CFW Walther - OJ Pietists one and all.

The Waltherian cults are not much better than ELCA, and all five strive against the efficacy of the Word, the Means of Grace, and faith in Jesus Christ as the only access to God's grace.  Romans 5:1-2 would do them a a world of good.