Saturday, September 7, 2024

Walzing Matilda

"It’s not as though the vice presidential nominee needed to travel to all the way to China to learn to treat reporters as children better seen and not heard. But he surely absorbed by osmosis the folkways of Chinese politicians vis-à-vis the press on his many visits to the Middle Kingdom.

Walz first traveled to China 35 years ago around the time of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Despite it serving as a mostly peaceful protest, Chinese officials did not treat it with the indifference initially shown by Walz toward the violent George Floyd riots in Minneapolis four years ago. The Chinese Communists murdered an unknown number of protesters that certainly number in the hundreds and perhaps reach well into the thousands."


GJ - Walz - like Kamala - has a definite, extensive, glaring background in Marxist cooperation and promotion with China. The article linked above should be read along with many more details.

Similarly, Walz' behavior as a governor should offer him a chance to reveal himself as a tool.