Friday, October 18, 2024

Lutheran Librarian - Alec Satin - Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry


May God bless you now and always.
From your Lutheran Librarian,


Living Fountains or Broken Cisterns: Education for Protestants by E A Sutherland

“D’Aubigne says that in the Reformation, ’the school was early placed beside the church; and these two great institutions, so powerful to regenerate the nations, were equally reanimated by it. It was by a close alliance with learning that the Reformation entered the world. “True education, Protestantism, and republicanism form a threefold union which defies the powers of earth to overthrow; but today Protestant churches are growing weak, and the boasted freedom of America’s democracy is ...

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How Europe Was Won for Christianity by M Wilma Stubbs

“We do well to honor the great and good men and women of the past as members with us of the great Church Universal. Let us rejoice in their victories and conquests. Needless to say, God’s saints are not of one age or of one sphere of labor… Every sincere follower of the Master must recognize that He has other sheep and that all must be brought to know the great compassionate heart of the Father.” - From the Preface. Level of Difficulty: Primer: No prior subject matter knowledge ...

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True Stories of Great American Men for Young Americans by Elbridge S Brooks

“There is nothing which (we or) our boys and girls so much love to read, or have told to them, as true stories of the lives of great and noble people. This book gives such true stories… how they came to be great and famous, and the wonderful things they did in the world.” - From the Introduction Level of Difficulty: Primer: No prior subject matter knowledge needed." Contents About the Lutheran Library Frontispiece Titlepage Introduction Contents List of Illustrations The Inspiring History ...

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Sermons on the Eisenach Gospels by J Sheatsley

“One cannot continue long in the kingdom of God without in some way openly confessing the fact… There is a reason why a disciple of Jesus must soon confess Him… One of the sure evidences of your own pardon is a strong desire to tell others how they also may get the pardon.” -from Encouragement for Confessing Christ Level of Difficulty: Primer: No prior subject matter knowledge needed." Contents About the Lutheran Library Foreword Contents Index of Sundays and Subjects Index of ...

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Vindication of Luther Against His Recent English Assailants by Julian Charles Hare

“When a man has taken a leading part in the conflicts of his age, it will often happen that… the feelings with which he was regarded during his life, will cluster around him after his death… Now perhaps there is no one in the whole history of the world, against whom such a host of implacable prejudices and antipathies have been permanently arrayed, as against Luther. For the contest in which he engaged is the most momentous ever waged by a single man… its issue is still pending.” - Charles ...

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History of the Old Covenant by J H Kurtz

“(This is) one of the best contributions towards the explanation of the Old Testament with which Germany has enriched our common theological literature. Comprehensive and trustworthy in its information, exhaustive in point of research and learning, fresh and vigorous in thought and style, throughout marked by sobriety and good sense; above all, thoroughly evangelical in its tone.” -Alfred Edersheim, from the Preface Level of Difficulty: Advanced: Prior subject matter ...

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