Saturday, October 19, 2024

The Costa Concordia Deluxe Cruise Ship Was a Warning for the Big Five -


Ten years ago the Costa Concordia sailed right onto a rock ledge. Like the Missouri Synod, ELCA, WELS, and the little ones, the sinking was rapid.

Look familiar? This is your synod on Church Growth, so saturated with the filth, gaiety, and greed of Thrivent that they can only limp away as cheap salvage. Thrivent adores abortion and the love that dares not speak its name (yet never stops).

Women pastors and bishops cannot usurp authority over men or teach them, but the Big Five (ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC) have better ideas. A wild storm struck this ELCA church in 2009 when the gay-everything-vote passed. A similar wild storm struck the Church of Rome when the pope's infallibility was approved in 1870.

Liz Eaton took a six-month vacation to recover from the battle with the perversions she promoted with such glee. The San Francisco tranny bishop managed to blow up everything, but no one will admit that. The "married" lesbian bishops in ELCA are now adopting children, just like the tranny they fired.

The LCMS and WELS are on the same course as ELCA. "Just a little behind" is what they love to say. They seem to be as one with the Costa Concordia, trying to salvage what they cannot hide.

The heavily redacted synod histories could write comedy legends about people like CFW Walther and his riot in Perryville (been there) to eject their syphilitic bishop, steal his gold and property, and provide a free trip for Stephan to Illinois - at gunpoint.