Wednesday, October 2, 2024

The (Only) Reformation - Luther, Melanchthon, Chemnitz - Studied and Agreed Together - Justification by Faith - The Chief Article.


The Walther Circle concocted a lie, claiming they suddenly learned from a sermon and guilty lady that Bishop Martin Stephan STD was an adulterer. The fact is - he was judged a criminal already and his Dresden parish disowned him. That set the migration in motion, with Stephan taking his mistress and son, leaving his wife and children behind.

The only Reformation is German, 16th century. The rest  - location and time - are variations and adulterations. 

Pietism was and is a corruption of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Rationalism followed Pietism just as surely as Rambach, Bishop Stephan STD, and Walther. So CFW established his egocentric cult, though it took F. Pieper a few years to make Objective Faithless Justification canonical, using the crackpot Brief Statement of 1932, which spread slowly, like the Great Depression. The Four Waltherian Cults - LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) - have found no unity except for bickering over their fine points of legalism.

The Big Five - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) - love living off the luxury of Thrivent and Schwan Frozen Foods. But Thrivent is not bound to any Lutheran group, and Thrivent may be as scared as Governor Valz.

The Perryville version of the Missouri Synod glorifies Walther.