Tuesday, January 7, 2025

The Denominations Do Not Believe the Scriptures - When Did They Stop?
The Big Five Apostates Shrink! - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic).

"The work of the fathers was not to give light to the Scriptures with their comments, but rather to set forth the clear Scriptures and thus interpret Scripture by Scripture only without any additions of their own."
Luther's sermon on on the Epiphany, Lenker edition

How do they sleep at night - these brave warriors against the truth? Elizabeth Eaton can only talk about and write about her favorite subject. Yes, that one. But she also writes letters addressing every possible Left-wing issue. Those nuggets of negativism have to be published to edify the shrinking corporate body called ELCA.

Matt the Fatt's Missouri Synod has a solution - two seminaries! Each one argues against the other one - about which one is more absurd.

In the LCA, Gettysburg opposed Philadelphia until they merged. That seems to be the trend, with lots of posing about the glittering future of their enterprises. After all,  Philadelphia alone has an Osage Indian as its president, preceded by a woman who was suspected of being hetero in the past.

The LCMS and WELS postured as synodical opponents a few decades ago, but now everyone is so broke and needing Thrivent calendars that they gladly walk in mincing steps, side-by-side with ELCA.

The ELS and CLC (sic) are dissolving or merging, as so many have. Bethany Seminary has two students per class, for a total of eight, counting the vicarage year. Spelling is not an issue for the CLC. Donkey basketball is the key.