Tuesday, February 18, 2025

From Norman Vincent Peale to Robert Schuller to Rick Warren - Purpose Driven -

Yes, my life was changed, suddenly discovering the Purpose Driven cult during a trip to Saddleback, Orange County, California. I saw the street sign - Purpose Driven - and found a parking place. We were at a Purpose Driven motel when we were guided to where all the motel visitors were flocking.

This event was "paid for" and we had no money to spare, so Christina talked our way in, citing my numerous articles on the Church Growth Movement. We listened to Warren's buffoonery and left, discovering it was a Baptist church. Who knew?

Warren is making waves (see graphic above) about his latest deep thoughts on Jesus - not worth quoting.

Norman Vincent Peale started fan-based church fads, but he plagiarized his Positive Thinking books. WELS members really loved Peale. In Columbus, Ohio, where the WELS churches had a pro-life place, the magazines were all by Peale but the WELSians threw away their own synodical magazine, afraid they would annoy the clients.

Rick Warren - our Ichabod Church Growther of the Week - denied his change of life being derived from a Robert Schuller gathering. WELS-LCMS-ELS-CLC found Schuller to be a wee bit secular, so they devoured Warren in their seminary classes and secretive church planting sessions. I cannot measure how many millions of dollars came from the the Big Five Apostates - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic). World missions and US missions were going to explosive results from attending the pricey Church Growth conferences and earning their precious DMins.

So who was it that told me that Rick Warren was heavily influenced by Robert Schuller?

That person was Rick Warren’s wife KAY WARREN! Here is what KAY WARREN told Christianity Today back in November of 2002:

During his last year in seminary, he and Kay drove west to visit Robert Schuller's Institute for Church Growth. "We had a very stony ride out to the conference," she says, because such nontraditional ministry scared her to death. Schuller, though, won them over. "He had a profound influence on Rick," Kay says. "We were captivated by his positive appeal to nonbelievers. I never looked back." (Online Source)

"Nobody in WELS or LCMS attended Fuller Seminary," but they bragged they had more post-seminary students at Fuller than their own synods did. The CLC hacks were also furious that I uncovered their deep love for Enthusiasm. I was "always lying," but my verbatim quotations were too obvious to deny. Olson's DMin paper was published and included lovingly at Martin Luther College library. Students must say "Doctor Olson" or he will not respond to their questions.

The WELS Love Shack is equal to the president's $500,000 mansion.