Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Daffodil Distribution Days Deliver an Early Spring


As everyone knows, daffodils are ugly bulbs that get buried in autumn by tired rose gardeners in their hopes for early spring. The flower is almost completely formed underground and grows more bulbs from the original one.

With the bulb cost buried already, months ago, optimistic gardeners can plan areas for roses.

My first crop of daffodils came up, knowing as they do, that cutting the flowers will make the bulbs stronger for the future. I counted the blooms, filled some of my party cups, and made each one a cheerful and inexpensive gift for cul de sac neighbors. Charlie Sue refused to go along because she wanted to stay near her dog friends along the fence.

One helper said, last fall, "Do we NEED this many daffodils?!" Digging in dry clay soil does put a damper on such projects. Soon I will plant more roses. I promised to reduce the greedy height and width of Joe Pye Weed and even the spread of Clethra (the Cinnabon tree).

Easy Does It Rose