Monday, March 10, 2025

Deline (sp) of U.S. Christians may be leve...


Walther's circle made Stephan a bishop upon landing at New Orleans. They knew about his promiscuity and syphilis. Walther organized the riot in Perryville to take over the gold and land, becoming bishop soon enough and blaming Stephan who was forced to leave.

Deline (sp) of U.S. Christians may be leve... - Spelling Too

The Protestia website, "New Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Survey Shows Majority Are Pro-Choice, Pro-LGBTQ," has additional information on the 2023-2024 Pew Research survey, including a graph of the Age distribution among members of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

In 2023-24, 47% of the members of LCMS congregations were 65 years or older. Only 5% were in the age range of 18-29.

The corresponding numbers for 2014 were 30% and 10%.
The corresponding numbers for 2007 were 26% and 11%.
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Rolf David Preus (Rolf)
Senior Member
Username: Rolf

Post Number: 11329
Registered: 5-2001
Posted on Wednesday, March 05, 2025 - 11:44 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

These statistics are depressing. I find it hard to believe that the LCMS has fallen so far as this.

"One does not simply absolve the whole world."

*** GJ

How do the LCMS-WELS-ELS sects cuddle up to ELCA, share in the loot of Thrivent, and embrace every doctrine but Luther's?  

The same sects glorified Marvin Schwan and took his money "to grow," but all they did was shrink, chase after the Fuller/Willow Creek gang, and condemn Justification by Faith.

ELCA (LCA/ALC) embraced women's ordination, though contrary to the Scriptures and the Confessions. Just to show one example - Jack Preus, the father of Rolf Preus, established a Church Growth Doctor of Ministry (laughable) degree at Concordia Seminary Ft. Wayne. Jack sent to Herman Otten a poster from WELS, writing, "WELS is worse than we are" on the poster. 

In fact, all the Lutheran sects were hotter than Georgia asphalt for Church Growth. Or more like the cheap candy that leaves everyone hyped up, then nauseous, then disgusted. Notice that the WELS Church Growth stars are fading away quickly.

Notice that Herman Otten's tabloid is no longer mentioned by anyone, if it is even printed or exposed to the light of computers. He played a card game with all the factions, and at least to air out their weaknesses on:

  1. The phony Otten/Beck Bible - as bad as the RSV.
  2. Pure political bunco jobs seated on the bishop's seat, destroying Justification by Faith.
  3. Laughable dogma from the politicians of each sect. 
  4. Clawing money into their pockets and failing in every way.

World missions people should beware that anything from the synods should be fumigated and rejected as utterly false. 

They lack the efficacy of God's Word.

They embrace the worst Bibles so they can make money but reject the precision and grace of the KJV. "Aiming at truth, they achieved what later generations recognized as beauty and elegance."

They fear the collapse all around them and have no spiritual resources to overcome their cowardice, greed, and larceny.